Σάββατο 25 Απριλίου 2015

Western Sydney Wanderers fans pepper sprayed during match

Ugly scenes at Parramatta Stadium marred the Western Sydney Wanderers' final game of the season, with fans of the club being pepper sprayed by NSW Police.
The incident occurred in the active supporters area, the Red and Black Bloc, after a flare was lit during the first half of the 2-1 loss to Perth Glory.
A NSW Police Media spokesman said after a flare was lit in the Wanderers' fan section and the alleged culprit was identified on CCTV, "police went in to get him and unfortunately as they did the crowd sort of turned on them and some capsicum spray had to be used."
But an RBB source, who did not wish to be identified, gave a different version of events.
"When he [the man who lit the flare] turned his back, the cops pulled out the pepper spray and went at him," he said.
"Other people surrounded him saying 'stop' and then other cops started spraying too.
"Some kids were getting pulled out of the bays to go and get water put in their eyes."
He said the RBB then left the stadium in protest at half time, where clashes then continued.
"At half time it was decided that we would leave the stadium - once we were outside, the RBB were in one group chanting - the police were lined up and then suddenly almost simultaneously 5 or 6 of them pulled out cans of pepper spray again and began spraying the front row of people. " 
 The Police Media spokesman said police had not heard of any incidents outside the stadium."At half time it was decided that we would leave the stadium - once we were outside, the RBB were in one group chanting - the police were lined up and then suddenly almost simultaneously 5 or 6 of them pulled out cans of pepper spray again and began spraying the front row of people. " 
"We understand that nobody was injured as a result, aside from some secondary contamination."
A spokeswoman for Westmead Hospital said that there we no admissions in relation to capsicum spray and that those cases are usually treated on the scene.
She said there were also no admissions for any other injuries to people who attended the game.

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